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"elements" => """
'#type': date\n
'#title': 'Date of the event - Please check our calendar for room availability for both dates and times.'\n
'#required': true\n
'#type': webform_time\n
'#step': 900\n
'#title': 'Event start time (Please include the actual start time. You will have access to the room to set up 30 minutes before the event.)'\n
'#description': 'If the event begins or ends outside of Library hours, special permission is required'\n
'#required': true\n
'#type': webform_time\n
'#step': 900\n
'#title': 'Event end time (Please include the actual end time. We allow an additional 30 minutes for breakdown. Please be respectful of this time as others may need to use the room after you.)'\n
'#description': 'If the event begins or ends outside of Library hours, special permission is required'\n
'#required': true\n
'#type': textfield\n
'#title': 'Event title'\n
'#required': true\n
'#type': textfield\n
'#title': 'Event description'\n
'#required': true\n
'#type': textfield\n
'#title': 'Contact person name (Please be advised your name & contact information will be available to the public upon request.)'\n
'#required': true\n
'#type': textfield\n
'#title': 'Contact person address'\n
'#required': true\n
'#type': textfield\n
'#title': 'Contact person telephone'\n
'#required': true\n
'#type': email\n
'#size': 20\n
'#title': 'Contact person email'\n
'#required': true\n
'#type': textfield\n
'#title': 'Organization name'\n
'#type': textfield\n
'#title': 'Organization address'\n
'#type': textfield\n
'#title': 'Organization phone'\n
'#type': radios\n
'#title': 'Preferred meeting room'\n
'#description': '<p>See <a href="/node/105" target="_blank">room descriptions</a></p>'\n
pickering: ' Pickering'\n
fletcher: ' Fletcher'\n
'#required': true\n
'#type': radios\n
'#title': 'Preferred meeting room (2nd choice)'\n
'#description': '<p>See <a href="/node/105" target="_blank">room descriptions</a></p>'\n
pickering: ' Pickering'\n
fletcher: ' Fletcher'\n
'#type': textfield\n
'#title': 'Number of attendees expected'\n
'#required': true\n
'#type': textfield\n
'#title': 'Number of tables needed'\n
'#required': true\n
'#type': radios\n
'no': 'No, I will not need AV equipment.'\n
yes_not_trained: 'Yes, and I have not been trained by Library staff (Training is required to use the AV system)'\n
yes_trained: 'Yes, and I have been trained by Library staff'\n
'#title': 'Is audio-visual equipment needed? *Pickering Room has a new AV system as of 3/18/24! If you were previously trained you will need to schedule a new training to use the AV. '\n
'#required': true\n
'#type': radios\n
'no': 'No, I will not need to use the kitchen.'\n
yes_not_trained: 'Yes, and I have not been trained by Library staff (Training is required to use the kitchen)'\n
yes_trained: 'Yes, and I have been trained by Library staff'\n
'#title': 'Is the kitchen needed? (Fletcher Room only)'\n
'#required': true\n
'#type': radios\n
'yes': 'Yes'\n
'no': 'No'\n
'#title': 'Will food or drink be served?'\n
'#required': true\n
'#type': radios\n
'yes': 'Yes'\n
'no': 'No'\n
'#title': 'Do you have a library card?'\n
'#required': true\n
'#type': radios\n
'yes': 'Yes'\n
'no': 'No'\n
'#title': 'Your event will appear on our website calendar and on our Circulation Desk whiteboard. Can FFL promote your event in our newsletter, Front Porch Forum, social media and / or press? '\n
'#required': true\n
'#type': radios\n
consent: Consent\n
'#title': 'By checking this box, I indicate that I have read the <a href= ""> Meeting Room Policy & Rules</a>, and I agree that I, my organization and event attendees will abide by the Policy & Rules. I understand that failure to do so could result in fines and/or the denial of future use of Library facilities by me and my organization. The Contact Person is responsible for cleaning up the room and returning it to the condition in which it was found--failure to comply may result in a cleaning fee of $25.00.'\n
'#required': true
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"confirmation_url" => ""
"confirmation_message" => "<p>Thanks for your request. We'll respond within 5 days. Please wait for confirmation before going forward with your plans!</p>\r\n"
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"limit_user" => null
"access" => array:1 [
"create" => array:3 [
"roles" => array:2 [
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