The Main Library & NNE Branch will be closed on Monday, January 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

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        \t\t\t<p>This workshop will walk through step-by-step instructions and provide help making a project in Tinkercad. After the program is over, we'll print your design.</p>\r\n
        \t\t\t<strong>All attendants will get 1 free 3D print of their project!</strong>\r\n
        \t\t\t<p><em><strong>For ages 10+</strong></em></p>\r\n
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        <p><strong>3D Printing Workshop</strong></p>\r\n
        <p>This workshop will walk through step-by-step instructions and provide help making a project in Tinkercad. After the program is over, we'll print your design.</p>\r\n
        <p><a href="">Find out more about 3D printing at the library here.</a></p>\r\n
        <p><strong>All attendants will get 1 free 3D print of their project!</strong></p>\r\n
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