CANCELED - Teen Anime Club
Anime, manga, crafts, cosplay and more! Join us for the brand new FFL Teen Anime Club! Arrive at 3:30 to vote on which anime to watch!
Anime, manga, crafts, cosplay and more! Join us for the brand new FFL Teen Anime Club! Arrive at 3:30 to vote on which anime to watch!
VR Tuesdays
Try out one of the Teen Space's new Oculus VR systems! Sign up for a time online (below) or in person on the day of. Just for teens
D&D is back with your favorite Dungeon Master, Robby!
If you would like to create a character but are unsure how, reach out to and Robby will help walk you through the process!
For all, ages 10+.
Please note: This game meets in person.
3D Printing Workshop
This workshop will walk through step-by-step instructions and provide help making a project in Tinkercad. After the program is over, we'll print your design.
Find out more about 3D printing at the library here.
All attendants will get 1 free 3D print of their project!
Anime, manga, crafts, cosplay and more! Join us for the brand new FFL Teen Anime Club! Arrive at 3:30 to vote on which anime to watch!
Calling all makers and crafters! Drop in to craft and create each Wednesday. Learn something new, get help on your own project, or just hang out.
We alternate featured projects each month:
For ages 10+
Experience VR
Try out one of the Teen Space's new Oculus VR systems! Sign up for a time online (below) or in person on the day of. Just for teens
This event has been cancelled.
FFL Reads: Salt to the Sea
"Those who are gone are not necessarily lost". As part of our "Courage to Remember" Program series, we'll be discussing the stunning YA novel, "Salt to the Sea" by Ruta Sepetys. Limited copies of the book will be available at our front desk in mid March. |
3D Printing Workshop
This workshop will walk through step-by-step instructions and provide help making a project in Tinkercad. After the program is over, we'll print your design.
Find out more about 3D printing at the library here.
All attendants will get 1 free 3D print of their project!