The Community, Fletcher and Pickering Rooms are available for Public Reservation by request.

Black is Beautiful Film Series: Crooklyn

Event Date

This month's film is Crooklyn

Make yourself at home with the Carmichael family as they experience one very special summer in their Brooklyn neighborhood that they've affectionately nicknamed "Crooklyn." Renowned director Spike Lee fashions a bold, flavorful picture of family life.

Drawing Down the Generations: Memoir, Family and Self Non Fiction Comic Fest

Event Date

Drawing Down the Generations: Memoir, Family and Self
Panelists: Amy Kurtzweil, Glynnis Fawkes, Elise Dietrich, Elisa Järnefelt
Moderator: Dan Barlow

The most personal genre of nonfiction comics, memoir fosters empathetic engagement through frankness and intimacy, bringing into focus our shared humanity. In this panel, four accomplished cartoonists, Elise Dietrich, Glynnis Fawkes, Elisa Järnefelt and Amy Kurtzweil explore the interplay of identity, self and family in their intergenerational work.