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"target_id" => "intern"
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"uuid" => "f0d7efe6-0780-4052-a7fc-6d1adf0d3d40"
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"config" => array:1 [
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"config" => array:2 [
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"permissions" => array:21 [
0 => "access administration pages"
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7 => "create reserved_items content"
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0 => array:1 [
"value" => "Megan B"
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"bundle" => "user"
"revision_log" => []
"status" => array:1 [
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"array_path" => "revision_uid.0.entity"
"title" => array:1 [
0 => array:1 [
"value" => "1000 Books Before Kindergarten @ FFL"
"created" => array:1 [
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"value" => "1575840876"
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"value" => "1621522913"
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"sticky" => array:1 [
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"value" => "0"
"default_langcode" => array:1 [
0 => array:1 [
"value" => "1"
"revision_default" => array:1 [
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"value" => "1"
"revision_translation_affected" => array:1 [
0 => array:1 [
"value" => "1"
"path" => array:1 [
0 => array:3 [
"alias" => "/1000books"
"pid" => "5107"
"langcode" => "und"
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0 => array:3 [
"value" => """
<h4><a href=""><img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/images/1000%20books%20logo%20large.png" style="height:179px; width:400px" /></a></h4>\r\n
<p><strong>Fletcher Free Library</strong> is proud to participate in <u><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>1000 Books Before Kindergarten</strong></a></u>. This nationwide initiative encourages reading to infants, toddlers, and preschoolers to foster a love of books and prepare them for school.</p>\r\n
<h4><strong><span style="color:#50a7ae">How Does It Work?</span></strong></h4>\r\n
\t<li><strong>1000 Books Before Kindergarten at Fletcher Free Library is powered by <a href="">Beanstack</a>!</strong></li>\r\n
\t<li><strong>Register your child</strong> through <u><strong><a href="">Beanstack</a></strong></u> to track progress via the Beanstack app (<strong><u><a href="">iOS</a>)</u> </strong>or the web.\r\n
\t\t<li>If you'd prefer to track on paper, please <u><strong><a href="">register here</a></strong></u> for a paper reading log book. <strong>You can also print the log sheets at home (<u><a href="#Downloadable Materials">pdf</a></u>).</strong></li>\r\n
\t<li>Read a book <span style="color:#e6603b">(<strong>any book</strong>!) </span>to your child. <strong>Fletcher Free Library offers curated <u><a href="">1000 Books Before Kindergarten Book Bags</a></u> which you may borrow</strong>. If you read just 1 book a night, you will have read about 365 books in a year. That’s 730 books in two years, and 1095 books in three years. If you consider that most children start kindergarten at around 5 years of age, you have more time than you think!</li>\r\n
\t<li><strong>Get social!</strong> Share your 1000 Books journey on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag <strong>#FFL1000Books</strong>.</li>\r\n
<h4><strong><span style="color:#50a7ae">What Do I Do?</span></strong></h4>\r\n
\t<li>Read with your child. Studies have shown that reading with your child provides a great opportunity for <strong><span style="color:#e6603b">bonding--and it’s fun!</span></strong></li>\r\n
\t<li>Every time you read a book with your child, help your child <strong><span style="color:#e6603b">color</span></strong> in a book on their log sheet.</li>\r\n
\t<li>Optional: keep <strong><span style="color:#e6603b">track</span></strong> of the titles of the books that you read with your child. Convenient “Books I’ve Read” log sheets are included in the reading log book.</li>\r\n
\t<li>If you are able to, make sure to keep a <strong><span style="color:#e6603b">record </span></strong>of <strong><em><span style="color:#e6603b">any</span></em> </strong>book that is being read to your child. This includes books read by teachers, caregivers and siblings.</li>\r\n
\t<li><strong><span style="color:#e6603b">Bring your child to the library with their</span></strong><span style="color:#e6603b"> <strong>reading log book</strong> </span>at each milestone (after every 50 books) for a special achievement sticker.</li>\r\n
<h4><strong><span style="color:#50a7ae">Do I Have to Read 1000 <em>Different</em> Books?</span></strong></h4>\r\n
\t<li>No! In fact, children benefit from hearing a book over and over again. But if you need some variety, ask your librarian for recommendations.</li>\r\n
<h4><strong><span style="color:#50a7ae">Questions?</span></strong></h4>\r\n
\t<li>Feel free to call or visit the Fletcher Free Library for book suggestions and a library card: 802.865.7216.</li>\r\n
<p> </p>\r\n
<h2><a id="Downloadable Materials" name="Downloadable Materials">1000 Books Before Kindergarten Downloadable Materials:</a></h2>\r\n
\t<li>English (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20instructions%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>)</li>\r\n
\t<li>Arabic (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20instructions%20in-house%20Arabic.pdf">pdf</a>)</li>\r\n
\t<li>French (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20instructions%20in-house%20French.pdf">pdf</a>)</li>\r\n
\t<li>Nepali (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20instructions%20in-house%20Nepali.pdf">pdf</a>)</li>\r\n
\t<li>Swahili (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20instructions%20in-house%20Swahili.pdf">pdf</a>)</li>\r\n
<p><strong>"Books I've Read" Log Sheet</strong> (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20Books%20I've%20Read%20book%20titles%20log%20sheet.pdf">pdf</a>)</p>\r\n
<p><strong>Numbered Log Sheets</strong></p>\r\n
\t<li>1-50 (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%201-50%20log%20sheet%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>), 51-100 (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%2051-100%20log%20sheet%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>)</li>\r\n
\t<li>101-150 (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20101-150%20log%20sheet%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>), 151-200 (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20151-200%20log%20sheet%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>)</li>\r\n
\t<li>201-250 (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20201-250%20log%20sheet%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>), 251-300 (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20251-300%20log%20sheet%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>)</li>\r\n
\t<li>301-350 (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20301-350%20log%20sheet%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>), 351-400 (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20351-400%20log%20sheet%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>)</li>\r\n
\t<li>401-450 (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20401-450%20log%20sheet%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>), 451-500 (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20451-500%20log%20sheet%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>)</li>\r\n
\t<li>501-550 (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20501-550%20log%20sheet%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>), 551-600 (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20551-600%20log%20sheet%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>)</li>\r\n
\t<li>601-650 (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20601-650%20log%20sheet%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>), 651-700 (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20651-700%20log%20sheet%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>)</li>\r\n
\t<li>701-750 (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20701-750%20log%20sheet%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>), 751-800 (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20751-800%20log%20sheet%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>)</li>\r\n
\t<li>801-850 (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20801-850%20log%20sheet%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>), 851-900 (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20851-900%20log%20sheet%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>)</li>\r\n
\t<li>901-950 (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20901-950%20log%20sheet%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>), 951-1000 (<a href="/sites/default/files/files/1000%20BBK%20951-1000%20log%20sheet%20in-house.pdf">pdf</a>)</li>\r\n
<p> </p>\r\n
<h3>1000 Books Before Kindergarten at Fletcher Free Library is made possible through support from <a href="">Vermont Community Foundation's Spark! Grant</a>.</h3>\r\n
<p> </p>\r\n
<p> </p>\r\n
<p> </p>\r\n
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