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"value" => "<h2><strong>Books</strong></h2><p>Fletcher Free Library has a massive number of <a href="">audiobooks and ebooks</a> (including graphic novels & comics!) through <a href="" target="_blank">Libby</a> and <a href="">Blackstone Unlimited</a>. All you need is your library card! </p><p>Looking for a suggestion for what to read next? Look at the lists linked <a href="">here</a>, or try <a href=",cpid&custid=s9216927&groupid=main&profile=novplus" target="_blank">NoveList</a>, a powerful resource run by librarians, just for you (Pro tip: try out the "appeal mixer"!) offered by Fletcher Free Library. Can't get enough recommendations? Try these links:</p><ul><li><strong>GMBA (Green Mountain Book Awards)</strong> released their picks for 2024-2025! <a href="" target="_blank">Get the list here</a>.</li><li><strong>New York Public Library (NYPL)</strong>'s best teen books of the year <a href="">here</a>, sorted into categories.</li><li><a href=""><strong></strong></a> is a great resource for LGBTQ+ representation! Try hovering over the menu options to see all the different lists available.</li><li>Ask Teen/Tween Services Librarian, Miriasha for a <a href="">recommendation</a>!</li></ul><h2><strong>Podcasts & YouTube Channels</strong></h2><ul><li><div><strong>Epic Reads</strong> (<a href="\u{A0}" target="_blank">YouTube channel</a>) has fantastic YA lit reviews and more.</div></li><li><div><strong>Hey, YA!</strong> (<a href="\u{A0}" target="_blank">podcast</a>) is a great place to hear about new YA book titles, and behind the scenes info about your favorite books. </div></li></ul><div> </div><div><h2><strong>STEAM</strong></h2><ul><li><strong>NASA STEAM Resources for Teens </strong>gives you access to STEM activities and opportunities. <a href="" target="_blank">Check it out</a>!</li><li><strong>Tinkercad</strong> is a great Minecraft design tool, and 3D print designer. <a href="" target="_blank">Visit Tinkercad</a>.</li><li><strong>Girls Who Code At Home: </strong><a href=""></a></li></ul></div><h2><strong>Writing & Author Events</strong></h2><ul><li><div><strong>NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program</strong> lets you set a word count or time goal for creative writing - from poems to a novel! Get ready for National Poetry Month each April with NaNoWriMo! <a href="" target="_blank">Visit their website to find out more</a>.</div></li><li><div><strong>Ann Braden: What to Write When You Don’t Know What to Write (And You Don’t Think You’re a Writer)</strong> is a YouTube series hosted by the author of "Benefits of Being an Octopus", Ann Braden. <a href="" target="_blank">Watch it here</a>.</div></li><li><div><strong>Erin Entrada Kelly shares her notebooks</strong> <a href="" target="_blank">on YouTube</a>.</div></li><li><div><strong>Neal Shusterman Online Reading Club</strong> is an ongoing youtube series by the author of Scythe, and the Unwind series. <a href="" target="_blank">Join in here</a> (YouTube)</div></li><li><div><strong>Young Writers Project</strong> offers <a href="\u{A0}" target="_blank">Workshops (on demand)</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Weekly Challenge</a>!</div></li></ul><h2><strong>Gaming</strong></h2><ul><li><strong>Minecraft</strong> allows you to create your own virtual world with anything your mind can imagine! If you don’t have legos at home, it is a great back up option. It is free and can be downloaded on your phone and computer. (for most mobile devices) <a href="" target="_blank">Start playing here</a>. Don't want to download the game? Check out Classic Minecraft, available to <a href="" target="_blank">play from your browser</a>! </li><li><strong>The Sims</strong>, similar to Minecraft, is your own virtual world. You can earn rewards through completing goals and build your town into anything you want. (for most mobile devices) <a href="" target="_blank">Check it out</a>. For a free version, head over to <a href="" target="_blank">Emulator Online</a>.</li></ul><h2><strong>Virtual EDU</strong></h2><ul><li><strong>HarvardX</strong>: Harvard University offers free online courses through <a href="" target="_blank">HarvardX</a>. I'm looking at you, seniors!</li><li><strong>Virtual College Tours from "You Visit" </strong>are a great place to start your college search. <a href="" target="_blank">Visit a college here</a>.</li></ul>"
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