The Main Library & NNE Branch will be closed on Monday, February 17 for Presidents' Day. 

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    0 => array:3 [
      "value" => "<h2>&nbsp;</h2><h2>Check these out from the Fletcher Free Library:</h2><ul><li>Books, audio books, magazines, DVD's,&nbsp;music CDs, Playaways and Launchpads</li><li><a href="">Museum Passes</a> &nbsp;Click <a href="">here</a> for more information and to reserve.</li><li>Tools, sports equipment, musical instruments, <a href="">telescope</a>, board games, and more from&nbsp;our&nbsp;<a href="">Library of Things</a></li><li>Chromebooks, Laptops and Hotspots from our <a href="">Digital Provide Project&nbsp;</a>collection</li><li><a href="">Book club kits </a>with multiple copies&nbsp;</li><li><a href="">Community Science Kits&nbsp;</a></li></ul><h2>Borrowing Information&nbsp;</h2><ul><li>Borrow up to 35 items at a time, including 5 DVDs, 3&nbsp;Playaway, and/or 1 Launchpad.&nbsp;</li><li><a href="">Place holds</a>&nbsp;on items you want from&nbsp;your own home or device.</li><li>Most items may be renewed up to 5 times, unless another patron has placed a hold on the item. Overdue items with holds that are not returned after 10 days overdue will be billed for replacement costs.&nbsp; These charges are irreversible, even if the item is returned. Unpaid fines and fees may limit library borrowing privileges.&nbsp;</li><li>Some items, such Library of Things items, may be renewed only once.&nbsp;To renew items, <a href="" target="_blank">sign in to your account</a>&nbsp;in our catalogue, call the Circulation Desk at 802.863.3403, or stop by the Library.</li><li>Need to pick up&nbsp;materials outside of the Library?&nbsp;<a href="">Outside pickup</a>&nbsp;is available during open hours.</li></ul><dl class="ckeditor-accordion"><dt>Loan Periods</dt><dd><table border="1" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td><strong>Material Type</strong></td><td><strong>Loan Period &amp; Requirements</strong></td></tr><tr><td>Books, Books on CD/MP3, Music CDs,&nbsp;<a href="">Playaways</a>*</td><td>3 weeks</td></tr><tr><td>DVDs*,&nbsp;Magazines, <a href="">Launchpads</a>*,&nbsp;Tools, Tennis Rackets, <a href="">LOT Items</a>&nbsp;</td><td>1 week</td></tr><tr><td>Interlibrary Loan Item</td><td>Varies, please see check out slip for due date</td></tr><tr><td>Digital Resources*</td><td>See individual resources: <a href="">eBooks</a>,&nbsp;<a href="">Streaming Video</a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td><p>Museum Passes</p><p>Note: Account must be clear of charges&nbsp;to check out.</p></td><td>Vary by pass and availability. See&nbsp;<a href="/node/56">Museum Passes</a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td><p><a href="">Laptop/Hotspot/Chromebook Kits</a></p><p>Note: Account must be clear of charges&nbsp;to check out.</p></td><td>1 week checkout; must be 18+; Resident Card, Borrower Agreement<br>and picture ID required</td></tr></tbody></table><p><span style="color:#e6603b;font-size:26px;"><strong>*DVDs, Launchpads, Playaways have Hold Limits (see below).</strong></span></p></dd><dt>Late Fines &amp; Fees</dt><dd><p>To promote equity, the Fletcher Free Library has eliminated<strong> most</strong> overdue fines, but library&nbsp;users remain responsible for "billed-item" fees. Billed-item fees are&nbsp;charges applied for lost, damaged, overdue with holds, or unreturned materials and have not been eliminated. <strong>Billed replacement fees are irreversible</strong>. To avoid these fees, library users are encouraged to take care of and return materials in a timely fashion so others may also enjoy our&nbsp;shared resources.&nbsp;</p><p>Museum Passes &amp; Select LOT items&nbsp; $3.00 late fine per day</p><p>Telescope,&nbsp;Laptop/Hotspot/Chromebook Kits $5.00 late fine per day</p><p>Lost/Damaged Items or Items not returned after 90&nbsp;days late incur the Replacement cost of the item, which is not reversible.</p><p><span style="color:#e6603b;font-size:26px;">*Some items (such as <strong>Laptop/Hotspot/Chromebook Kits,&nbsp;Books on CD, Launchpads,&nbsp;Museum Passes &amp; Playaways, and some LOT items</strong>) have <strong>high replacement&nbsp;costs</strong>. Please contact the front desk for this information at 802.863.3403.</span></p><p>Payments may be made&nbsp;with cash, check, or credit card at our front desk. Credit transactions have a $3.00 additional flat fee.</p></dd><dt>Place a Hold</dt><dd><p><a href="">Place a hold on an item online</a> by using the <a href="" target="_blank">catalog</a>&nbsp;or at the front desk. If an item is currently available, you will be notified within 24 hours that it is ready for pick-up. If the item is currently checked out, you will be notified when it is ready for pickup. Items are held for six days at the front desk. &nbsp;</p><ul><li>Holds&nbsp;on DVDs are limited to five per library card.</li><li>Holds on Playaways and Launchpads are each limited to two per library card.</li></ul></dd><dt>Request Materials</dt><dd><p>We welcome requests for materials that are not in our Library collection. We fulfill requests in a variety of ways that are in accordance with library policies.</p><ul><li><a href="">Request <u>new or upcoming</u> materials</a>&nbsp;online or at our&nbsp;service desks.&nbsp;These items are subject to our Collection Development Policy.</li><li>Request materials&nbsp;<u>published more than a year ago</u>&nbsp;at&nbsp;our&nbsp;service desks, or through our <a href=";lid=b92f">interlibrary loan system</a>.</li><li>We do our best to fulfill requests, however there may be circumstances where materials are unavailable.</li></ul><p>InterLibrary Loan is supported in part with federal funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA).</p><p><img src="" alt="" width="300" height="136"></p><p>&nbsp;</p></dd><dt>Returning Items</dt><dd><p>We offer many easy ways to return your materials:</p><ul><li>Return items to the front desk during library hours.</li><li>Return via the drop box outside the Main Library, 24/7.</li><li>Return via the drop box at our New North End Branch at 1127 North Avenue, across from the Hannaford's.</li></ul></dd></dl><h2>Questions?</h2><p><a href="/contact?subject=library_account">Contact us</a> or call 802.863.3403 for information.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>"
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