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"value" => "c848e9e0-c68b-46f3-8cf5-5e43aa7288e5"
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"target_id" => "administrator"
"message" => "Recursion detected."
"array_path" => "revision_uid.0.entity.roles.0.entity"
"default_langcode" => array:1 [
0 => array:1 [
"value" => "1"
"field_name" => array:1 [
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"value" => "Zack"
"user_picture" => []
"bundle" => "user"
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"value" => "Borrowing "
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"value" => "1513950652"
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0 => array:3 [
"value" => "<h2> </h2><h2>Check these out from the Fletcher Free Library:</h2><ul><li>Books, audio books, magazines, DVD's, music CDs, Playaways and Launchpads</li><li><a href="">Museum Passes</a> Click <a href="">here</a> for more information and to reserve.</li><li>Tools, sports equipment, musical instruments, <a href="">telescope</a>, board games, and more from our <a href="">Library of Things</a></li><li>Chromebooks, Laptops and Hotspots from our <a href="">Digital Provide Project </a>collection</li><li><a href="">Book club kits </a>with multiple copies </li><li><a href="">Community Science Kits </a></li></ul><h2>Borrowing Information </h2><ul><li>Borrow up to 35 items at a time, including 5 DVDs, 3 Playaway, and/or 1 Launchpad. </li><li><a href="">Place holds</a> on items you want from your own home or device.</li><li>Most items may be renewed up to 5 times, unless another patron has placed a hold on the item. Overdue items with holds that are not returned after 10 days overdue will be billed for replacement costs. These charges are irreversible, even if the item is returned. Unpaid fines and fees may limit library borrowing privileges. </li><li>Some items, such Library of Things items, may be renewed only once. To renew items, <a href="" target="_blank">sign in to your account</a> in our catalogue, call the Circulation Desk at 802.863.3403, or stop by the Library.</li><li>Need to pick up materials outside of the Library? <a href="">Outside pickup</a> is available during open hours.</li></ul><dl class="ckeditor-accordion"><dt>Loan Periods</dt><dd><table border="1" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td><strong>Material Type</strong></td><td><strong>Loan Period & Requirements</strong></td></tr><tr><td>Books, Books on CD/MP3, Music CDs, <a href="">Playaways</a>*</td><td>3 weeks</td></tr><tr><td>DVDs*, Magazines, <a href="">Launchpads</a>*, Tools, Tennis Rackets, <a href="">LOT Items</a> </td><td>1 week</td></tr><tr><td>Interlibrary Loan Item</td><td>Varies, please see check out slip for due date</td></tr><tr><td>Digital Resources*</td><td>See individual resources: <a href="">eBooks</a>, <a href="">Streaming Video</a> </td></tr><tr><td><p>Museum Passes</p><p>Note: Account must be clear of charges to check out.</p></td><td>Vary by pass and availability. See <a href="/node/56">Museum Passes</a> </td></tr><tr><td><p><a href="">Laptop/Hotspot/Chromebook Kits</a></p><p>Note: Account must be clear of charges to check out.</p></td><td>1 week checkout; must be 18+; Resident Card, Borrower Agreement<br>and picture ID required</td></tr></tbody></table><p><span style="color:#e6603b;font-size:26px;"><strong>*DVDs, Launchpads, Playaways have Hold Limits (see below).</strong></span></p></dd><dt>Late Fines & Fees</dt><dd><p>To promote equity, the Fletcher Free Library has eliminated<strong> most</strong> overdue fines, but library users remain responsible for "billed-item" fees. Billed-item fees are charges applied for lost, damaged, overdue with holds, or unreturned materials and have not been eliminated. <strong>Billed replacement fees are irreversible</strong>. To avoid these fees, library users are encouraged to take care of and return materials in a timely fashion so others may also enjoy our shared resources. </p><p>Museum Passes & Select LOT items $3.00 late fine per day</p><p>Telescope, Laptop/Hotspot/Chromebook Kits $5.00 late fine per day</p><p>Lost/Damaged Items or Items not returned after 90 days late incur the Replacement cost of the item, which is not reversible.</p><p><span style="color:#e6603b;font-size:26px;">*Some items (such as <strong>Laptop/Hotspot/Chromebook Kits, Books on CD, Launchpads, Museum Passes & Playaways, and some LOT items</strong>) have <strong>high replacement costs</strong>. Please contact the front desk for this information at 802.863.3403.</span></p><p>Payments may be made with cash, check, or credit card at our front desk. Credit transactions have a $3.00 additional flat fee.</p></dd><dt>Place a Hold</dt><dd><p><a href="">Place a hold on an item online</a> by using the <a href="" target="_blank">catalog</a> or at the front desk. If an item is currently available, you will be notified within 24 hours that it is ready for pick-up. If the item is currently checked out, you will be notified when it is ready for pickup. Items are held for six days at the front desk. </p><ul><li>Holds on DVDs are limited to five per library card.</li><li>Holds on Playaways and Launchpads are each limited to two per library card.</li></ul></dd><dt>Request Materials</dt><dd><p>We welcome requests for materials that are not in our Library collection. We fulfill requests in a variety of ways that are in accordance with library policies.</p><ul><li><a href="">Request <u>new or upcoming</u> materials</a> online or at our service desks. These items are subject to our Collection Development Policy.</li><li>Request materials <u>published more than a year ago</u> at our service desks, or through our <a href="">interlibrary loan system</a>.</li><li>We do our best to fulfill requests, however there may be circumstances where materials are unavailable.</li></ul><p>InterLibrary Loan is supported in part with federal funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA).</p><p><img src="" alt="" width="300" height="136"></p><p> </p></dd><dt>Returning Items</dt><dd><p>We offer many easy ways to return your materials:</p><ul><li>Return items to the front desk during library hours.</li><li>Return via the drop box outside the Main Library, 24/7.</li><li>Return via the drop box at our New North End Branch at 1127 North Avenue, across from the Hannaford's.</li></ul></dd></dl><h2>Questions?</h2><p><a href="/contact?subject=library_account">Contact us</a> or call 802.863.3403 for information.</p><p> </p>"
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