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<h2>Peterson’s Test and Career Prep</h2>\r\n
<p>Brought to you by Vermont Department of Libraries, search <a href="" target="_blank">Peterson’s Test and Career Prep</a> for thousands of college and graduate schools, identify scholarships, take practice tests (including college prep and vocational prep), create resumes, and explore careers. To gain access, one time registration is required.</p>\r\n
<p><em>Peterson's replaces Learning Express, which is no longer available as of May 31, 2024.</em></p>\r\n
<h2>Transparent Language Online</h2>\r\n
<p>Have you wanted to learn a new language or brush up on one you learned years ago? <a href="" target="_blank">Transparent Language</a> is a web-based language-learning program covers 80+ languages, including English as a Second Language. To gain access, one time registration is required.</p>\r\n
<p>Brought to you by Vermont Department of Libraries, <a href="" target="_blank">Udemy</a> offers over 20,000 tutorials on subjects including computer science, design tools, marketing, and more. To gain access, one time registration is required.</p>\r\n
<p><em>Udemy replaces <a href="" target="_blank">Universal Class</a>, which is available until August 31, 2024.</em></p>\r\n
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